Working with measurement wheel data#

Import the worklab module

import os
import worklab as wl

Import the data with com.load() or the device specific load function:

filename = os.getcwd()
filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0], 'example_data', '')
mw_data =
print("Measurement wheel data is stored in a: ", type(mw_data))
Initializing loading for C:\Users\rick_\Development\worklab2\example_data\ ...
File identified as Optipush datafile. Attempting to load ...
Data loaded!

Measurement wheel data is stored in a:  <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

The DataFrame contains all the information from the file, but nothing extra:

Index(['time', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz', 'mx', 'my', 'torque', 'angle'], dtype='object')

Before getting more infos it would be a good idea to apply some filtering:

mw_data = wl.kin.filter_mw(mw_data)

Now let’s get more infos:

mw_data = wl.kin.process_mw(mw_data)
time fx fy fz mx my torque angle aspeed speed dist acc ftot uforce force power work
0 0.000 2.838031 1.753805 -4.058034 0.004851 0.005135 -0.054472 3.673093 3.352298 1.039212 0.000000 2.535617 5.253370 -0.198079 -0.175715 -0.182605 -0.000913
1 0.005 2.401395 1.666210 -4.385999 -0.002135 0.004741 -0.058072 3.689854 3.393195 1.051890 0.005228 3.594796 5.270667 -0.211171 -0.187329 -0.197050 -0.000985
2 0.010 1.963322 1.620943 -4.642096 -0.006774 0.002821 -0.060339 3.707025 3.468259 1.075160 0.010545 4.264677 5.294445 -0.219414 -0.194642 -0.209271 -0.001046
3 0.015 1.527743 1.645536 -4.771329 -0.007243 -0.001333 -0.060383 3.724537 3.530765 1.094537 0.015970 3.537893 5.273269 -0.219573 -0.194782 -0.213197 -0.001066
4 0.020 1.104789 1.748478 -4.743367 -0.002454 -0.007348 -0.058016 3.742333 3.582384 1.110539 0.021482 2.901078 5.174675 -0.210967 -0.187148 -0.207835 -0.001039

That’s more like it!

mw_data.plot("time", "torque");

Let’s see if we can find some pushes in these data:

pushes = wl.kin.push_by_push_mw(mw_data)
print(f"There are {len(pushes)} complete pushes in the data")
There are 29 complete pushes in the data
stop start peak tstart tstop tpeak cangle ptime meanpower maxpower meantorque maxtorque meanforce maxforce work feff slope ctime reltime
0 195 97 176 0.485 0.975 0.88 1.676823 0.490 36.376315 94.426828 10.559981 24.357933 38.399932 88.574302 18.006276 55.197071 61.665653 2.695 18.181818
1 735 636 718 3.180 3.675 3.59 1.630329 0.495 36.170961 86.937413 10.449778 22.283936 37.999192 81.032495 18.085480 52.638096 54.351063 3.095 15.993538
2 1349 1255 1330 6.275 6.745 6.65 1.601879 0.470 45.783597 102.833058 12.917944 25.623400 46.974343 93.175999 21.747209 63.410359 68.329066 3.130 15.015974
3 1994 1881 1972 9.405 9.970 9.86 1.781313 0.565 33.413155 86.508159 10.060917 22.747502 36.585153 82.718191 19.045498 56.930325 49.994511 3.190 17.711599
4 2629 2519 2612 12.595 13.145 13.06 1.897524 0.550 43.382667 118.642142 12.244082 29.976050 44.523935 109.003817 24.077380 61.715078 64.464623 3.590 15.320334

You can achieve the exact same thing using the auto_process function. Which chains the above operations into one monolithic function and returns the data and the pushes, as such:

mw_data, pushes = wl.kin.auto_process(mw_data, *args, **kwargs)

Now make a Christmas tree!

wl.plots.plot_pushes(mw_data, pushes);

Magnificent! 😍